It is mostly approached from Fort Portal using the Kamwenge road. Historically, a murram route with several steep sections, this is about to be surfaced which will ease the journey on end through with consequences for wildlife on the 10km stretch through the National Park. If you are driving from Fort Portal town center, follow Lugard road down hill (north) to the Mpanga River turning right immediately before the bridge.

There are about 60 mammal species found in Kibale Forest thus offering primate viewing. Primates found in Kibale include vervet, red-tailed, red colobus, Olive baboon, and chimpanzee to mention but a few. Elephants found are classified as belonging to the forest race which is smaller than the more familiar savanna elephant. They always move into the Kanyanchu area during the wet season but are not always seen by tourists. 335 bird species have been recorded in this park including four species not found in any other national park for example Nahan’s francolin, Cassin’s spine tail, blue-headed bee-eater and masked apalis. Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary is the best bird watching place to spot various bird species. Tourists interested in both forest and swamp walks can atleast see around six primate species.

The park has a number of activities carried out for example guided forest walks that provide chimp-tracking excursions that leave from Kanyanchu daily. The chimpanzee community is well habituated where by tourists can often approach to within a few meters of them. Guided night walk is also carried out and this offers a good chance of seeing primate such as the bush baby and potto.

In Kibale National Park, there is Bigodi wetland Sanctuary which is probably good for monkey viewing and one of birding trails in the country. This small sanctuary protects the Magombe swamp which is next to Bigodi trading center. One of the birds found in the swamp is the great blue turaco and other regular birds include grey-throated, yellow-billed, grey parrot. Butterflies are abundant in the swamp and it is a home to sitatunga antelope. The red colobus is the most common monkey found in Kibale.
There are unguided walks where tourists are forbidden to walk along forest paths without a guide but are free to walk elsewhere without a guide. Tourists can be able to see several types of robin and greenbul. There are also Sebitoli and the Kihingami wetlands that provide and offer same activities and facilities to Kanyanchu except chimp tracking. Bird watching outside the park is very good when carrying out cycling tours.

Kibale primate lodge provides best accommodation facilities for luxury tourists and Kibale Forest Camp, camp’s Nest for mid range tourists. All these accommodations facilities are good for tourists of different categories.